The electrical control system is responsible for interchanging the power to be utilized between different engines or grid power and the generator, etc depending on the site configuration. It’s composed of several parameter like surge arrestors, the PLC, relays, contactors, etc which all work to ensure efficient monitoring and switching between the units. They are also responsible for triggering of the power alarms to the crone box. All the faulty electrical devices are replaced with quality spares to ensure optimum operation of the controller. Special attention is taken on the grounding and earthing of the site to ensure the system is protected. The alarm extension to the crone box and the ACT are checked every time the site is visited to ensure that all the alarms are in good working condition and can be monitored at our NOC. Some of the alarms include (but not limited to) Electric fence failure, AC Mains failure, Generator Mains Failure, High temperature, etc