Effective battery maintenance is essential to ensuring that the batteries attain design life span and deliver optimal performance throughout their life. Charging and discharging of the batteries shall be as per the manufacturers recommendation to ensure long life of the batteries. Connections to batteries are periodically checked to ensure that there is a good connection. Care must be taken to ensure that strings of batteries contain batteries of similar age and the new batteries are not introduced into strings with old batteries as this can impair the operation of the batteries. Voltage readings must be taken and be recorded every month throughout the life of the batteries in the DC system. Discharge tests are carried out at a frequency specified in the Manufacturers‟ Operations and Maintenance Manuals.
We have equipped out field technicians with MEGGER BATTERY TESTER, a tool capable of detecting battery condition. This enables us to detect a deteriorating battery in a battery bank and have it replaced before the bank fails. This tool is very useful in testing of maintenance free (Or sealed) batteries. A comprehensive report on the battery condition is submitted to client after every preventive maintenance or Corrective maintenance visit.